Full scholarship at Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto: Resgister now!

Rector Scholarship

Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto in Indonesia offers scholarships for a 4-years bachelor or 2 years Master's degree program. The scholarship covers health insurance, tuition fee and accommodation amounting to 1,500,000RP Indonesian.

For more information, we invite you to go directly to the steps:UMP website or to do the following step:

1. Complete the online registration through the following form prior to the admission « Online Registration ».

2 – Fill out the following form Study Overseas Form

3 – Scan the signed application form and all required documents as stated in the form to the email: iao@ump.ac.id

You can also use the contact bellow :
- E-mail: iao@ump.ac.id
- Fax:(0281)637239 39